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When HG Wells wrote his book First men in the moon, people thought he was crazy. The thought that a vehicle could be created that would take off from planet Earth and land on the moon was so ridiculous. HG Wells was a visionary. He saw what other people couldn’t even dream about.

Technology since his day has not only arrived at what he wrote about but it has way surpassed. Maybe even HG Wells would’ve thought it was a step too far to have rocket ships landing on Mars with robotic vehicles analyzing the planet.

Technology is the future of mankind. The development of products and ability to achieve ends for entertainment is remarkable but most amazing, is the technological advancement into the medical world. The achievements that people have been able to arrive at is astonishing.

It is because of the pace of change that I have written a whole category on technology itself. In this category I will be writing about new products and new developments. I will be analyzing how things work together with new ventures and how technology works in business.

Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic Gardening for Beginners: A Complete Guide

Hydroponic farming is transforming the way we grow plants. Instead of relying on soil, this innovative method allows plants to thrive in nutrient-rich water solutions. It’s an ideal system for beginners who want to maximize plant growth, save space, and reduce water usage. As a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture, hydroponic farming offers a scalable solution for producing high-yield crops in limited spaces. Whether you’re looking to grow herbs indoors, cultivate leafy greens year-round, or ...
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Solar Power and Climate Change

How Solar Power Can Help Combat Climate Change

In today’s world, the impact of climate change is becoming impossible to ignore. From extreme weather events to rising sea levels, the effects are reshaping our ecosystems and our lives. One of the primary drivers of climate change is the continuous release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. Brands like Solar Tech Futurism are at the forefront of promoting solar energy as a renewable, sustainable solution to ...
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Indoor Aquaponics

Essential Steps to Setting Up an Indoor Aquaponics System

Creating an indoor aquaponics system is an innovative way to grow your food sustainably, especially if you live in an urban area. This system combines aquaculture and hydroponics, using fish waste to provide nutrients for plants, which in turn purify the water for the fish. This symbiotic relationship not only saves space but also ensures a continuous supply of organic produce and fresh fish. An indoor aquaponics system can be customized to fit various ...
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Solar Generator

Setting Up Your Solar Generator: A Guide

Solar generators are a fantastic way to harness renewable energy and power your home or devices sustainably. Setting up solar generators properly ensures optimal performance, safety, and longevity. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from choosing the right location to troubleshooting common issues. Choosing the Right Location Assessing Sunlight Exposure Importance of Direct Sunlight The efficiency of solar panels depends heavily on the amount of direct sunlight they receive ...
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The Benefits of a Hearing Aid

The Benefits of a Hearing Aid

Hearing aids can help many people hear better in quiet or noisy environments, so, if you or someone near you needs one, you should opt for one, and the easiest way to do it is by browsing on an audiologist's directory and clicking on the Hearing Aids Near Me section, and you’ll be able to locate one that is near your address. A hearing aid has three basic parts: a microphone, an amplifier, and a speaker. The ...
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Best Shampoo to Pass a Hair Drugs Test

Best Shampoo to Pass a Hair Drugs Test

This is when a detox shampoo method comes to your rescue. The Best Way To Use The Power Of a Detox Shampoo Regular use of a detox shampoo will clean your hair and scalp of drug residues and toxins, and using Macujo hair detox shampoo for drug test as your daily shampoo will cleanse your hair over time and still leave it healthy and shiny. When you’re made aware that you will face a drug test, using Macujo Aloe ...
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Xray vs MRI

The differences between a CT and an MRI

If you are one of them then you are in right place, below we will discuss MRI vs Xray. Their utilization, benefits and in what circumstances these scan tests should be used. CT uses ionizing radiation; that is, X-rays, to obtain detailed images of internal organs, bones, soft tissues, and blood vessels, while MRI uses a strong magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to produce detailed images of internal structures of the body. Thus, CT images are ...
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5 Ways To Prepare For A Video Call If You Work From Home

5 Ways To Prepare For A Video Call If You Work From Home

Brian X. Chen, a tech-savvy writer, shares his tips in an article published by the New York Times titled "Dos and Don'ts of Online Video Meetings". 1. Optimize your space, and optimize your webcam image If there is anyone who can be considered "lucky" in this crisis, it could be those who managed to stay at work and telecommute. This is still a difficult thing for many. Elaine Quinn, author "There's nothing like Working From Home", says that people aren't ...
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Why You Should Take Care Of Your Fingerprint

Why You Should Take Care Of Your Fingerprint

What's the fingerprint? Experts refer to the fingerprint as the Internet trace that we leave behind when we use the Internet. It could be described as a collection information about the person based on their online behavior, such as what they post, what they search for and where they do it. All comments and posts on blogs, websites, and social networks, as well as use of apps, emails records, and purchases, are part of an individual's online history. It is ...
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Phishing What Is It And How To Avoid It

Phishing What Is It And How To Avoid It

We spoke to you a few months back about ransomware, which is one of most well-known cyberattacks in society, as it is the fastest-growing and most widespread form of virus. There are other types of threats: ransomware, spyware, networkworms Trojans, and riskware. We will explain what phishing is, how it works, and how to avoid it. This attack has become very popular and can have serious consequences. Phishing and identity theft Phishing refers to a cybercrime which tries to gain ...
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How Hackers Can Save Us From Cyberattacks

How Hackers Can Save Us From Cyberattacks

However, they play an important role in ensuring safety. They allow us to protect our property, money, and our fundamental rights. History is full of examples of professionals who have, out of the shadows, changed our society's course. For example, we can think of Watergate and people such as American journalists Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein who, with the revelations of illegal activities by American Republican Party during the 1972 presidential campaign, managed to overthrow the President of the United ...
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What Is Online Reputation And How To Manage It

What Is Online Reputation And How To Manage It

The new Internet environment, where anyone can post, report, or comment on any topic, has given rise to concepts like digital identity and online reputation. These topics have been of particular relevance and are now a matter of concern. Both for individuals and companies. It is important that information about us and our brands appears on the first page of Google's search engine. It is important that everyone is aware of and has control over what information is published about ...
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Enigma Rachel Elle